take a short exam

Step 2

Take a Short Quiz


Step 3

Get Your Certificate

Get Your Iowa Concealed Carry Permit

Here at IA Concealed Carry, we comply with Iowa’s laws regarding Concealed Weapon Permits. In doing so, we offer concealed carry permits at your  convenience.

Scheduling time and waiting for classes can be a nuisance. That’s why we created this course, quiz, and certification method to provide you with a concealed carry permit at your leisure.

Why Choose Us

Iowa Concealed Carry

How It Works

Our Services

Fulfill all of the legal requirements to obtain the training and education required to carry a concealed weapon in the State of Iowa.

Our online concealed carry course teaches the fundamentals of gun handling, laws, and safety. We welcome everyone to take the course whether you are new to firearms or just seeking a refresher to obtain your permit.

This is a simple online course that will legally certify a person to acquire an Iowa Concealed Carry Permit. The course concludes with a five question test. Upon successful completion of the test a certificate can be printed for final approval by any Sheriff in the state of Iowa.

legal scale

Certified to Train

Iowa permits online training and regulates the requirements (Iowa Code 724.9). The Iowa DPS requires that online tests provide you with a certificate that fits the requirements they outline in 724.9.

safety badge

Control Your Personal Security

Learn about Iowa's Stand Your Ground Law, and other information necessary to control your personal security.


Learn the Laws

Iowa allows for concealed carry of a firearm within city limits as long as the person ahs a concealed weapons permit. Knowing the laws surrounding your concealed carry permit is essential..

handling gun icon

Learn Safe Weapon Handling

Safe gun handling prevents accidents and ensures proper use of your concealed weapon.


Questions about this permit, concealed carry laws, or how to obtain one? We would love to hear from you. Simply submit your questions in this form and we will respond as soon as possible.

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